Faith, Love and Respect for ALL

Posts tagged ‘Reece’s Rainbow’

Extraordinary Children of God

In November my friend lost her 2 year old son, when he was called home to Heaven. If you were not following us at that time, the post Sadness was published on November 28th, the day of Henry’s passing. In the almost six months that have passed since that day of immense loss, I have prayed for the Dobrovits family, and held a special place in my heart for them. I have witnessed the tremendous effect that Henry’s life continues to have on the world. I have sat in awe at the amazing grace and faith in which Carla and her family do everything in life.

Yesterday, my friend made a wonderful, joyous announcement. Their family has been called to adopt 3 siblings and provide them a Forever Home. These 3 children, will no longer reside in a orphanage; once the adoption is finalized, they will come home to live in a home filled with infinite, unconditional love. They will no longer be alone, because now they have a mother, father and seven siblings (6 here on earth and 1 angel in Heaven) to help them as they find their path in this world. 

Carla's Children

Please help bring Susan (10 years old), Edmond (3 years old), and Lucy (11months old with special needs) home to the Dobrovits family.

Carla and her family are an inspiration like none I have ever witnessed. In November, you all prayed for them as they mourned sweet Henry’s departure from the earth, when he joined our Father in Heaven. Now I ask that you please join me in praying for them, as they begin a new journey, to bring their newest 3 family members home. 

There are Angels among us, and Carla’s family is living proof of that, because the Dobrovits family are all extraordinary children of God.  Please share their story, so we can surround them in prayer and help them reach their fundraising goal, to bring their children home as soon as possible. You can follow their journey at Carla’s blog page:


Creative Commons License
Autism Proud – Journey With Us – by Jest Tu Positive by Dorothy Stronglove is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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